Vertical Hollow Shaft TEFC “HTA MULTI-DUTY SERIES®”
BMR “HTA MULTI-DUTY®” Vertical Motor Series Go First Class with H Class (Motors designed for high ambient temperatures and high altitudes) BMR IS YOUR VERTICAL MOTOR SUPPLIER FOR CRITICAL PUMPING APPLICATIONS BMR USA has now developed an all Class H TEFC vertical hollow shaft that is suitable for nearly all applications. The MULTI-DUTY® line is ideal for […]
Vertical Hollow Shaft WPI “HTA ATLAS SERIES®”
BMR “HTA ATLAS®” Vertical Motor Series Go First Class with H Class (Motors designed for high ambient temperatures and high altitudes) BMR IS YOUR VERTICAL MOTOR SUPPLIER FOR CRITICAL PUMPING APPLICATIONS In pumping applications that require a 300HP and above we realize the motor should be built with a larger and more robust frame with […]
Vertical Hollow Shaft WPI “HTA SERIES®”
BMR “HTA®” Vertical Motor Series Go First Class with H Class (Motors designed for high ambient temperatures and high altitudes) BMR IS YOUR VERTICAL MOTOR SUPPLIER FOR CRITICAL PUMPING APPLICATIONS Vertical Hollow Shaft HTA® high thrust vertical motors (WPI) Vertical Solid shaft HTA® high thrust vertical motors (WPI) Vertical Hollow Shaft HTA ATLAS Series® (WPI) […]